Circular Breathing
What is it?
Circular Breathing is a technique as simple as it effectively increases the awareness of who we are and accrues many benefits.
Awareness is fundamental: knowing who we are, what we really want, what / who we needto be truly happy, discover how we want our life to be and develop the skills to make it happen.
The goal
The purpose of Circular Breathing is the growth of the individual.
The expansion of awareness is a human need,
and this is the tool to meet this need!
The Benefits
- PURIFY THE BODY making it healthy and strong
- PURIFY THE MIND by obtaining lightness and clarity
- RESTORING a new and profound INNER BALANCE
- RECOVER VITAL ENERGYby making it available to body and mind
- IMPROVEthe quality of SLEEP
…and many more. (greater attention, determination, courage, clarity, etc.)
10 SESSIONS - 1 per WEEK
Circular Breathing Course
It is organized in 10 appointments usually on a weekly basis (same place and same time) and with its duration of about 1.5 / 2 hours per meeting it maintains the following structure:
- Introductory chat in which I give some knowledge useful for the session but also in life and further motivational ideas to make the most of the session;
- Guided relaxation while lying down with your eyes closed, which prepares you for the actual technique;
- Practice of Circular Breathing for 40/45 minutes;
- Rest / relaxation with music in which to fully enjoy the benefits and fruits of the breathing session;
- Final sharing of the experience to treasure every useful element that emerged during the practice, to understand and integrate it.
Communicating allows us to raise awareness to our comprehensions, choices and integrated experiences in order to bring benefits to life, which is what we really want to improve.
10 SESSIONS - 1 per WEEK
Circular Breathing Course dedicated to Over 50s
10 extraordinarily rich sessions, to better enjoy life in the third age, dedicated to pleasure, existential fullness and beautiful relationships.
10 precious steps to the conquest of greater existential fullness, of a renewed balance in the exchange between giving and receivingto oneself, to life, and to others.
We will know in a deep, intimate, both theoretical and experiential way these 10 ingredients of life to possess and live them to the fullest:
The art of accepting
Love and care
The ability to let it go
The unknown and injustice
Possession and attachment
The goals of life
The will
The loved ones
Open up
Each session is organized as follows:
- Introductory lesson on the subject of study;
- Communication exercise (innovative) aimed at exploring the topic of interest and bringing our attention to it;
- Guided relaxation;
- Circular Breathing (C.B.) technique different from the one applied in the classic course (20/25 minutes entirely guided by the voice of the conductor);
- Short rest to enjoy the benefits and the profound well-being achieved;
- Improvement communication exercise aimed at highlighting, with regard to the topic of interest, the shift that has taken place, the choices and understandings that have emerged.
Circular Breathing Workshop
Two intense days from 9.30 to 19.00 in which you will experience:
– 4 sessions of Circular Breathing (classic session),
– Frontal lessons to know the world of Breathing and everything that is determined by its quality (metaphysics of breath);
- – Frontal lessons to deepen and acquire the skills necessary to live high-quality relationships. (attention, the bridge of the relationship, tensions, awareness, etc.)
- Specific exerciseson the sessions of Circular Breathing, to capitalize and maximize the benefits, understandings and awareness that emerged;
- Innovative communication exercisesthat transform theory into practice, specific to promote the same process of growth and purification of body / mind / emotions produced by the main technique. These exercises effectively consolidate the knowledge and skills studied in the lessons, so as to make them operational in life, that is, they produce coherent actions and concrete improvements.
- Elaboration and development of personal projects;
- Participants are given and issued the study manual containing the theory of the lessons, the exercises, the diary of the Breathing sessions and the cards of the individual projects.
Lunch break of one hour, possibility to eat on site with a packed lunch.
It is suggested to participate on both days since this allows you to add up the benefits, knowledge, and depth achieved in each of the two days in an exponential and synergistic way.
A deep look of the themes of the Circular Breathing Workshop
We deal with the Metaphysics of Breath.
Not the anatomical, physiological or biochemical part (available everywhere) but what it means to inhale and exhale metaphysically.
Inhaling means letting the air enter us, that is, the external world enters us.
Breathing out means letting out, going into the world, and let go, and just as we breathe we interact with the outside world, with life, with experiences, and with other human beings.
Do we welcome the outside world with joy? Or do we fear it? And the others? Do we live them with serenity? Do we let them in? Do we show ourselves to them by really expressing ourselves? Do we fear life? How do we perceive it?
So, the way we inhale and exhale, so we live.
Knowing in depth how Breathing shapes our psychology and our lifewe will be able to modify these basic parameters intentionally and consciously and from here naturally, cascade those important improvements that we all seek in everyday life.

We work on High Quality Relationships:
Are the relationships you have ALL GOOD RELATIONSHIPS?
Usually, in some relationships, we are serene, relaxed, we feel safe, understood and everything is smooth, there is a “feeling” we use to say.
Other relationships are angular, there is friction, tension, discomfort or even malaise.
How come?
We often think it’s a coincidence, in reality, Relationships are like recipes, they need the right ingredients and the right quantities.
There is no toothpaste in risotto, or it will be indigestible.
As in relationships, inserting what is not useful will spoil the result.
We will know and train the skills that allow us to build High Quality Relationships.
Then we will return to life with these winning tools to improve our entire Relational landscape in a decisive and concrete way, step by step.
Discover what the participants think!

Do you want to know what the people who tried my courses think?
“The course of 10 sessions has completely freed me from muscle tension in the neck
... already from the first sessions! And with them the sadness and fear of not making it passed as well.
Now when I have a negative thought I face it with greater control and serenity and .... I breathe !!!
To try!!!
And I sincerely thank Andrea for his heartfelt and true dedication
to help all people
to know about Breathing and making them aware that we have immense potential within us ... that we didn't know we had!
Workshop on Circular Breathing, something crazy, incredible happened, that experience really changed me for the positive, it excited me, I notice little things every day several times a day and they are little big things, I find myself smiling as it used to happen too long ago, I feel alive, serene, thoughts arrive, but soon they go away and there is energy and desire to do and then I do Good things ... I look forward with real joy, to participate in the next path on the Circular Breathing, which in the meantime I will recommend to everyone!
Your circular breathing workshop was a unique experience for me, the first step towards my personal growth, towards self-healing, and a new beginning of a full and conscious life.
Heartfelt thanks for this experience full of emotions and discoveries.
Before talking about the experience, I need and like to say thanks to you Andrea.
Thanks for who you are, for the journey you have embarked upon yourself, and which made you simply special and not at all any, one of many ... The sense of security you transmit, you're being there for everyone, and your preparation means that I can totally abandon myself and live this experience to the fullest.
I have no doubt that a man like you reaches anyone with such strength.
I recommend anyone to try it for authentic personal growth.
Now I know it's going to be okay because I want it .. Thanks!
Thanks Andrea for the Circular Breathing Workshop, it was a bomb of energy that awakened in me.
Today I take home my awareness of what I want from life, that is my projects.
It was not easy at all but I consider this path my salvation, I opened my eyes to who I am, I found the courage to face my monsters, I discovered how much I’m fine just as I am, how wonderful life is and I rediscovered this meaning of completeness and inner peace that I had not felt for many years.
In short I was reborn, before I didn't really live and I didn't know it.
I recommend and above all WISH everyone to get to know Andrea and the circular breathing technique: it is not easy at the beginning but the benefits I have drawn from it are innumerable ... less stress, more awareness, I started to look inside myself in an authentic way by abandoning many labels that do not belong to me.
Andrea is a very competent and prepared professional, he believes very much in what he does and has an overwhelming enthusiasm ... I wish everyone to know him.

Excellent teacher and professional guide with strong empathic skills. With the "Circular Breathing" I discovered that we all have the right to happiness and serenity through our body.
Now I feel freer and more grateful for life. Thank you.
Let yourself be guided by his professionalism.
Get involved in his enthusiasm
AND ...... Breaaaaaaaaaaaaathe !!
I met Andrea during a Breathing course, great person. Good vibrations, sharing and a big spirit. I recommend it to everybody! If you have a goal or a passion he’s the right person.
I met Andrea randomly, I read “Circular Breathing” but I didn’t know what I was going towards, so I jumped in the course. A marvellously marvellous experience that I recommend to everyone, I already miss it. Andrea is a wonderful guy who gives me serenity and so much will of growth and never gives up.
I had the great opportunity to experience a Hatha yoga lesson - slow flow and meditation with Andrea and I would define this experience as VERY RICH in knowledge, with very well-guided asanas from the point of view of alignments, fundamental in rebalancing the body posture but also the inner balance.
I was particularly surprised by the beginning of the lesson which, through the breathing and the voice of those who guided us, led us into a very deep inner listening status that positively favored the development of the whole practice. I recommend yoga with Andrea 100%
Andrea let me discover some incredible means to change one’s own life, with him I took the course of Circular Breathing and various workshops and what can I say? INCREDIBLE!!!! I really recommend that everyone gives themselves a chance in this life! Furthermore, he’s a great Yoga teacher.
The enthusiasm of who believes in what he says… and what he does!!!...
I haven't woken up rested for seven years, I feel toned and 'warm' muscles, I have more energy and physical strength, I'm not tired in the evening, yesterday I kept 8 wild children at home and I felt like I was on vacation, time flies, thoughts quick and shiny ...
Contact Me
Thanks, Andrea! … We are only at the beginning 😉